Title: OEB API Extensions Author: CyanPhase Date: November 6, 2001 Here's a brief overview of some of the Base functions that can be used from the OEB (Overloader Extended Buzz) dll. don't forget to have this at the beginning of your buzz machine's cpp file: #include "../oeb150base.h" assuming that oeb150base.h is in the same location as your machineinterface.h _______________________________________________________ void LoadGeneralOEB(int machine_type, HINSTANCE dllInst) _______________________________________________________ This function has to be called before any of the other functions are called. Its normally called during DllMain of a Buzz Machine, like this: BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HANDLE hModule, DWORD fwdreason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (fwdreason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { dllInstance = (HINSTANCE) hModule; LoadGeneralOEB(OEB_ISGENERATOR, dllInstance); break; } case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } If your buzz machine is a effect and not a generator, then use the OEB_ISEFFECT constant instead. If you don't specify the correct type of machine the OEB library might not get loaded for your machine. Valid constants include: OEB_ISGENERATOR This means your machine is in Gear\Generator OEB_ISEFFECT This means your machine is in Gear\Effect OEB_ISGEAR This means your machine is in the root Gear directory OEB_ISRECORDER This means your machine is in Gear\Recorders OEB_ISWAVEOUT This means your waveout driver is in WaveOutput OEB_ISMAINBUZZ This means your dll is in the main buzz dir _______________________________________________________ char * OEB_GetVersion() _______________________________________________________ Gets a string that tells the version of overloader and OEB that's loaded. _______________________________________________________ HWND OEB_GetBuzzWindow() _______________________________________________________ Gets a HWND of the main buzz window _______________________________________________________ int OEB_GetTuning() _______________________________________________________ Gets the tuning type that is specified in the Extended Options dialog box. _______________________________________________________ float OEB_GetManualTuning() _______________________________________________________ Gets the manual tuning that is specified in the Extended Options dialog box. _______________________________________________________ int OEB_GetQuality() _______________________________________________________ Gets the quality setting that is specified in the Extended Options dialog box. _______________________________________________________ int OEB_GetComponentLoaded(int component_id) _______________________________________________________ Tells what components are loaded. component_id: 0 Overloader 10 OOE (Overloader Output Extender) 22 A SongInfo machine a return value of 0 means false, otherwise its true